This course will walk you step-by-step through four different ways to tie a perfect fitting rope halter with ease.

Tired of paying an arm and a leg for custom halters that aren’t a perfect fit for your horse?

If you want to LEARN HOW TO make halters that fit WELL on your own horses, as gifts for friends or even to sell, you’re in the right place.

After making 100’s of halters and other PIECES OF tack for many different breeds of horses and teaching OTHERS HOW TO DO THE SAME I have a simple method that will help you:

– Overcome the frustration of poor or incomplete instructions.
– Figure out how to correctly tie the knots easily.
– Complete your first custom halter.
– Get a great fit unique to your horse.
– Learn something new that is extremely useful.

Introducing All About Rope Halters

A complete rope halter video course that will show you how to not only tie a the perfect fitting halter, but also a variety of custom fit halters styles for both training and riding.

Once you purchase you can hop right in.

The content is all pre-recorded and is waiting for you inside to work through at your own pace.

If you have any questions about it, support is provided via email and live chat.

Julie says,

"Thanks Jen for allowing me to beta test your halter tying class. I know there will be more rescues needing quality halters so I signed up for the complete course. Easy instructions and great worksheets to use helped a lot in getting the halters to fit everyone just right on my first attempt."


MODULE 1: Getting Prepared

In this module you will learn all the ins and outs of sizing and material, so you will know what you need and where to buy it.
also break down the two knots that are used when making a halter into
easy to learn bite-sized steps that you can practice while you wait for
your material to be delivered.

MODULE 2: Tying the Halter

With this module you get to choose from the 4 different halter
styles available. From training to riding these is sure to be a halter
that suits your needs.

MODULE 3: Noseband Styles

In this module we discus the two ways to decorate the noseband in either on or two colors.

We also discuss the best way to finish of the noseband and bury the ends of the cord in a secure fashion.

MODULE 4: The Finishing Touches

Learning these two extra knots is not only functional, but beautiful too, and you will stand out from the herd. This is what sets you apart from all the other DIYers out there.

Imagine your horse wearing one of these halters, that you made yourself!

Jewel says,

"Was fun making it. Love the videos in the school. The decorative knots took me a couple tries, but got them in the end. Thanks so much!"

about your instructor

Jennifer Hiles

You can call me Jen, and I’ll lead you through this journey one step at a time.

I was just a girl who wanted to work more closely with my horse. I learned about natural horsemanship by watching the John Lyons Symposium videos that I borrowed from the local library. And I knew that I needed to make a rope halter before I could begin. With some cheap rope, printed instructions, and lots of failures; I finally made a halter that fit, kinda!

I created these courses because I wanted to share what I know with other horse enthusiasts. I feel everyone should have the proper gear, so that they can work safely and develop a deeper more natural connection with their animals.

Feel free to pop by my store and check out all the other items that I make at The Homestead Tack Shop.

It’ll be like you are sitting right here with me.

The videos take you step-by-step through the exact process that I use on a daily basis to make this gear for hundreds of happy horse owners around the globe.

You might be able to purchase an item for the cost of this course, but it won’t be made from the highest quality materials, and it definitely won’t last forever so you’ll have to buy another one eventually when it wears out.

Or you could spend big bucks and buy a quality handmade item from a tack manufacturer and take the risk that it might not fit without some adjustment.

If you’ve tried before and failed or never tried at all because the info you found was too complicated or incomplete, this video course is just what you need.


You’re passionate about horses, want halters that fit, and have the desire to learn a new and useful skill.


You would rather just buy sub-standard halters from your local farm store or pay through the nose for custom handmade halters from somebody else.


Yes, you will have to purchase the rope, cord and tools needed to complete the project, and we’ll go over what those are and where to find them in the first module.

The course starts as soon as you purchase and finish as quickly as you like, all the videos and worksheets are available immediately.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

Yes, this program works best if viewed using Google Chrome

Yes, you can change the video quality by right clicking on the video and selecting the quality you wish to view it in.

© 2025 Homestead Tack Shop - Tack School | All Rights Reserved.


print your copy and follow along

Get a copy of my DIY Rope Halter cheat sheet to make following along with the demonstration video easier while you tie your next halter!